Wednesday, January 15, 2014

My most recent finished projects

     Hello again! This is late in coming but I just wanted to share my most recent finished projects!
      First up is "crazy quilt" which was by far the funnest to make! It went together well and I have to admit this is the first quilt I didn't have to use my seam ripper on, lol! This was machine pieced and hand-quilted with a meandering stippling in the middle, flowers along the inner border and a fleur de lys pattern around the outer edges.

     My next finish is a project that I started at Fabric Fest and I am very happy with how this came out!

       This is called "Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows" and is designed by Sue Daley. She really is a great teacher and I truly enjoyed myself learning many new techniques and highly recommend any of her classes.

1 comment:

Acorn to Oak said...

Wow! You're so talented! And, so productive! That's a lot of sewing! They're beautiful!